NWR SCCA Autocross Event #9 – AM ONLY

Packwood 12818 US Highway 12, Randle, WA, United States

Preregistration on scorekeeper will open 30 days before the event. AM Event Only Participants will be in one of two run groups (first run group or second run group), with […]

NWR SCCA – August Solo Meeting

Zoom WA, United States

Meeting location – Via Zoom Online. Meeting will start at 7pm. Please join early so the meeting can call to order on time. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82358440229?pwd=OUhlR0YvMlI1UVZvTXcydDRUSGdGQT09 Meeting ID: 823 5844 0229 […]

NWR SCCA – September Solo Meeting

Zoom WA, United States

Meeting location – Via Zoom Online. Meeting will start at 7pm. Please join early so the meeting can call to order on time. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82358440229?pwd=OUhlR0YvMlI1UVZvTXcydDRUSGdGQT09 Meeting ID: 823 5844 0229 […]

NWR SCCA Autocross Event #10 & PM Test n’ Tune

Bremerton MotorSports Park 7500 SW Old Clifton Rd, Port Orchard, WA, United States

Preregistration on scorekeeper will open 30 days before the event. AM Event with PM Test n' Tune Participants will be in one of two run groups (first run group or […]

NWR SCCA – October Solo Meeting

Zoom WA, United States

Meeting location – Via Zoom Online. Meeting will start at 7pm. Please join early so the meeting can call to order on time. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82358440229?pwd=OUhlR0YvMlI1UVZvTXcydDRUSGdGQT09 Meeting ID: 823 5844 0229 […]

NWR SCCA – November Solo Meeting

Zoom WA, United States

Meeting location – Via Zoom Online. Meeting will start at 7pm. Please join early so the meeting can call to order on time. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82358440229?pwd=OUhlR0YvMlI1UVZvTXcydDRUSGdGQT09 Meeting ID: 823 5844 0229 […]

NWR SCCA – December Solo Meeting

Zoom WA, United States

Meeting location – Via Zoom Online. Meeting will start at 7pm. Please join early so the meeting can call to order on time. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82358440229?pwd=OUhlR0YvMlI1UVZvTXcydDRUSGdGQT09 Meeting ID: 823 5844 0229 […]