by scentioli | Jan 20, 2021 | Solo Announcements, Uncategorized
Hey Folks, This edition of the National Solo Notes is an overview of the 2021 Tire Rack SCCA ProSolo program, including rules, classes, index factors, and Finale eligibility. The details will be in the 2021 ProSolo (PS) rules that will be posted in 10 days or less scentioli | Jan 13, 2021 | Solo Announcements
Hi Folks, I think we can all agree that last season was a challenging and troubling time for the SCCA Solo Community, just as it was for the entire nation. However, what may not be immediately apparent is that the impact of CV19 is extending into the development scentioli | Jan 7, 2021 | Solo Announcements
As we are now fully into 2021, more events have been confirmed for the 2021 Tire Rack National Solo season. With these new confirmations, one event previously announced has a date change. Those new events confirmed are: 2021 Tire Rack SCCA Florida scentioli | Nov 10, 2020 | Solo Announcements
SCCA is announcing the 2021 CAM rules to give members an early heads up. The decision was made that there would not be a change to the CAM rules for 2021 to allow for consistency in the rules. It was also felt that competitors were not able to see how the 2020 rule...Minutes from the monthly meetings held by the NWR SCCA Solo members.
Everyone is welcome to attend our meetings and they are held each month on the second Tuesday and start at 7pm. Please come around 6:30 to join many who come early to order dinner.
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